Word for mac keyboard go to end
Word for mac keyboard go to end

word for mac keyboard go to end

With Control-Option-shift or Capslock-Shift pressed Function Keys Row (laptops may include fn key)į4, move VoiceOver cursor to keyboard focus.į5, move VoiceOver cursor to mouse pointer.į9, resize or move braille panel (Note, press this command again to choose between move or resize).į10, resize or move caption panel (Note, press this command again to choose between move or resize).

#Word for mac keyboard go to end portable#

On portable computers, you may need to press the Fn key with the arrow keys for Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down. Page Up and Page Down read the previous and next page, respectively. The Home and End keys move to the top or bottom of the area (such as a window or text area) where the VoiceOver cursor is located, scrolling if necessary. In web, right/left moves to next or previous element, up/down does nothing. In text, up/down moves to previous or next line, right/left, moves to next or previous word. Spacebar, perform default action for selected item.Īrrow keys, in Finder: moves up, down, right or left to next item. M, menu bar (Note, press twice to jump to the status menu in the menu bar). N, open Notifications menu with list of current Notifications (Note, press twice to open announcements menu with list of Voiceover announcements). in tables - hear the contents of a column from the VoiceOver cursor to the bottom of the column). X, Activity Chooser (Note, press twice to switch to the previous activity).Ĭ, read character or column header (Note, press twice to in text - hear character phonetically. Return, When in text area, start selection mode, press again to stop selecting. (semi-colon), lock or unlock VoiceOver keys. H, VoiceOver help menu (Note, press twice to open the Commands menu). Reads contents of VO cursor (Note, when interacting with text, reads from the VoiceOver cursor to bottom of text). Caps Lock Key RowĬaps lock, pressed can be substitute for VO keys.Ī, read all. \ (backslash), open or close disclosure triangle. ] (right bracket), move to next Hot Spot. [ (left bracket), move to previous Hot Spot. R, read row header description (Note, press twice to read the contents of a table row from the VoiceOver cursor to the end of the row). W, read word (Note, press two or three times to spell a word in different ways). With VO keys (Control-Option) pressed Function Keys Row (laptops may include fn key)į1, application summary (Note, press twice to open the Application Chooser).į2, window summary (Note, press twice to open the Window Chooser).į5, describe item in mouse pointer (Note, press two or three times to hear the mouse location differently).Īccent, start moving window, (Esc to stop).ĭelete, delete ruler marker (in TextEdit). This offers an arrangement by keypress, with all Control keys and notes included, per key.Įxcept for the Combined List which is my own arrangement, all information is presented as true as possible to Apple’s original materials.Īll information provided is copyright Apple, Inc. Level Four: Press Control-Option-Command-Shift.Ī “Combined Listing” has been provided at the end of this document. Level Three: Press Control-Option-Command. Press and hold the keys below while typing any other key.

word for mac keyboard go to end

Compiled below is a rearrangement of Apple’s published VoiceOver key commands charts, edited/confirmed for macOS Big Sur.Įditor’s note: VO Key Commands are arranged by Levels.

Word for mac keyboard go to end